How to get the most out of your mobile marketing campaign

Marketers have traditionally placed emphasis on areas where consumers will see or hear the information they want to promote. Over the years advertising channels have included print, radio and television. However, today the dynamics have changed and businesses have had to evolve to keep up with the times and remain competitive. Investing in channels, such as social media and mobile, have become essential.

Image credit: Skitterphoto via Pixabay

As tech continues to progress at a rapid pace and society continues to embrace this digitization, marketers have had to revamp their way of thinking and the techniques used. Marketingland pointed to statistics in April 2016 that mobile represented 65 percent of digital media time spent. Recent statistics solidify the fact marketers must embrace mobile and integrate it into their marketing strategies if they want to make the most out of it. Understanding the critical need to place focus on mobile is the first step.   

What are the company’s goals regarding mobile?

In order to get the best ROI from a mobile marketing campaign, strategists have to first outline what it is expected to achieve before moving forward.  

  • Define mobile objectives and decide what the company wants to achieve.
  • Research and determine strategies needed to boost consumer reach.
  • Explore feasible options and how to measure the results of each one.

Mobile marketing, like other marketing channels, needs a carefully constructed strategy.  


Once the team has vetted all options, it’s time to determine which ones are right for the organization and develop a strategy. While mobile strategies will vary from business to business, there are some general guidelines that should be followed.

  • Develop a mobile-friendly website – today this is critical.
  • Create a comprehensive mobile app.
  • Keep it simple – less is more when distributing mobile information.
  • Send engaging messages to customers.
  • Offer rewards and other incentives to encourage conversions.

These basics should always be included in any mobile marketing plan; Intuit elaborates on general guidelines to consider. Additionally, you’ll need to build a mobile marketing list. Can any of the organization’s other marketing lists (i.e. email) be repurposed and used for mobile? Do any of them fit the necessary criteria?

Why is mobile marketing so important?

In August 2015 Pew Research Internet Project reported 9 in 10 Americans had a cellphone and almost two-thirds owned a smartphone. Studies in recent years have also highlighted users tend to constantly check their phones throughout the day. Mobile is definitely here to stay and has high potential to be used to develop a loyal audience. 
Mobile is like any other technology, it does not do an organization good to use tech for the pure sake of it. For it to succeed, it needs to be a natural fit. Whatever strategy is developed, it’s important that these objectives tie in with the company’s overall comprehensive marketing plan. If not, this could risk the campaign’s failure to meet objectives. Savvy marketers will work to keep on top of current and emerging mobile marketing trends, as mobile can no longer really be avoided or ignored, to ensure the company does not fall behind the competition.


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