
Showing posts from July, 2017

Reasons why live chat can offer a competitive advantage

Live chat features on business websites have grown far past being a nicety. In our fast-paced society where we expect quick results, we've become increasingly inclined to expect a rapid response to our inquiries. Live chat customer service effectively fills this demand. Email is great because it's convenient, and telephone options are also important to offer to those who want a more “personal” touch, but the one thing live chat features offer that their predecessors don't is the combination of convenience, personalization and speed. With live chat options, customers get a combination of all three.

How Facebook tells employers if someone is worth hiring

Image credit: Pixabay Social media has become thoroughly integrated into the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people. For personal or professional reasons, a large number of this population chooses Facebook as a network of choice. Every day millions log into Facebook to share information. But Facebook's value is not necessarily all about the socialization, or even the marketing. There are many other reasons why some may find Facebook of use. For instance, many employers seeking to make a hire explore Facebook to get a better look at candidates. Is Facebook the standard screening tool? In a word, yes. In past years, employers used a variety of screening tools but often were unable to find out tidbits of details not shared by potential hires. However, with online socialization so ingrained in today’s society, Facebook has emerged as the new proverbial “background check”. Employers have discovered they can garner a lot of information about people by perusing the pop...

Economics: How to differentiate between demand and quantity demanded

Image credit: Pixabay Economic theory contains many laws that pertain to the concept of supply and demand. These two basic components are a strong foundation of economic law and theory. For the demand factor, there are variables within the theory of demand. Demand and quantity demanded can be a confusing concept. The reason for this is partially because they sound so similar and, when many people talk about demand, what they really mean is quantity demanded. Demand The demand segment of economics surrounds the concept of need. Needs are what people see as a requirement in their daily lives. The economic law of demand dictates, all other factors being equal, the more expensive a good, the less of that item people demand. It is this perceived demand that affects the price. When the price of specific goods drop, all other things being equal, people will be more inclined to buy more of those items.  When demand of an item changes, this means the demand curve shifts. There are ...

Reasons not to bring your work problems home

Image credit: Pixabay Ever had the experience of coming home so frustrated you fling your possessions on the couch and begin to vent to whoever is around to listen? If so, you aren't alone. Many people bring their work issues home on a daily basis because they’ve either had a bad day, or an unresolved issue or other type of pressure is nagging away at them. Unfortunately, bringing home your work problems can cause negative drawbacks that may impact the quality of your personal life. While it is helpful to talk out your work problems with your spouse, significant other, family member, friend or another sympathetic ear, by doing this consistently you ensure that your work life spills into your home life and, as a result, many other problems can occur. Increased stress levels at home If you are consumed with your work problems when you are out of the workplace you aren’t giving yourself the chance to catch a break. What often happens is the degrees of stress you feel at hom...